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福岡県出身。モデルとして東京に上京後、『ミュージカル テニスの王子様 』の2007年夏公演、知念寛役で俳優としての活動を開始。その後、高身長193cmを生かしアニメ原作や様々な舞台に立ち、キャラクターの再現度に多くの評価を得る。またストレートプレイやミュージカルなど多ジャンルの演技を経験しマルチな演劇経験を生かし活動。また作品展や舞台などのパンフレットやチラシなどのデザイン、photographer、動画製作など多岐にわたって才能を発揮している。自身のファンクラブでは「部活動」や「GIFT」など個性的なイベントでファンとの親睦を深めている。今後の活動に注目が集まる。

Born in Fukuoka Prefecture. After moving to Tokyo as a model, he began acting as an actor in the role of Hiroshi Chinen in the summer 2007 performance of "Musical The Prince of Tennis". After that, he took advantage of his height of 193 cm and stood in various anime productions and various stages to gain a lot of acclaim for the character's reproduction. In addition, he has been active in various genres such as straight play and musicals, and is active in utilizing his multi-drama experience. In addition, he has demonstrated his talent in a wide variety of fields such as designing brochures and leaflets for exhibitions and theatres, photographers, and video production. In his fan club, he deepens fellowship with fans through unique events such as "club activities" and "GIFT". Attention to future activities

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